Camping · Mobil-home · Carte Cadeau 50€


Du lundi au vendredi : 08h30 à 19h30

Le samedi : 09h à 13h · 14h à 17h


Motorhome pitch

The following campsites have specific equipment for motorhomes allowing the emptying of waste water and the refilling of water on site. The motorhome pitches within the campsite offer access to all the services and equipment of the campsites (sanitary blocks, snack bar-catering, swimming pools and entertainment).

We authorize the installation of a 2-person tent on grassy pitches. Our pitches are limited to a maximum of 6 occupants. The La Parée du Jonc motorhome area is an independent area adjoining the La Parée du Jonc campsite. It is accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, all year round. Access to the services and equipment of the campsite are subject to supplement.

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