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Camping Corse du Sud

Your camping trip in southern Corsica : Places of interest

Among the sites not to be missed in southern Corsica, we can discuss the Sanguinary Islands located near Ajaccio. All these islands named respectively Porri, Cala d'Alage Island to Mezza Mare and Cormorants have been awarded the Natura 2000 for the quality and diversity of the fauna and flora present.

This archipelago is also proud to wear the title of Grand Site de France. You can address these islands through crossings proposed by various shipping companies. Do not miss the Gulf of Porto, World Heritage of UNESCO.

This is an area still consists of wild creeks where almost unaffordable refuge number of animal species. You will find in this beautiful Gulf of funds suitable for scuba diving. Go to Piana, a small village overlooking the Gulf will offer you a splendid view of the sea and cliffs of red granite features.

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