Location de mobil-home pour 2025


Du lundi au vendredi : 08h30/13h & 14h/18h


100€ to 200€ deducted for 1 week rental on a selection of campsites

Take advantage of LOW summer PRICES until August 3, 2024 to rent on the campsites selected below.

€200 immediate discount for one week from 07/06 to 07/20/2024 on campsites:

La Parée du Jonc, Les Aventuriers de la Calypso, Moncalm, Le Pavillon Bleu, Domaine des Guifettes and L’Anse des Pins.

100€ on other campsites for one week before 03/08/2024.

This offer is subject to remaining availability, act quickly!

Non-retroactive, non-cumulative, non-refundable offer.

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